Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2009 To-Do List

1) Finish painting the inside of the house, including the living room, guest room, kitchen and guest bathroom

2) Get (more) organized! Starting with that box of random stuff I never really unpacked since moving over a year and a half ago...

3) Work out at least three times a week, even if its only for 10-15 minutes (hey, it's a start)

4) Post to my blog more often

5) Live a greener life

6) Start our family! (we hope!)

Stay tuned to see me attempt this list - and Happy New Year!


Sarah Ring said...

I need to jump back into working out again too! 10-15 minutes a day is a very reasonable and realistic start! Thanks!!

Katie @ said...

Start a family?! MARY, CONGRATULATIONS. Sounds like an awesome resolution to me.

Anonymous said...

Hubby and I are thinking about starting our family in 2009 too! I'm trying to work out more often as well -- I want healthy habits before baby!