Saturday, April 18, 2009

Blog Love: House Blogs

My favorite all-time blogs are those that focus on houses and home decorating. It all started with Apartment Therapy, a fantastic blog (and book!) that highlights decor and organizing mainly for the small house/apartment crowd, with a definite modern feeling. My friend Sarah from grad school writes for AT - look for her in AT: Chicago under sarahc (she has, in my opinion, the best posts).

From there, I got hooked on various other blogs suggested by AT, and blogs suggested by those blogs, and so on. The list keeps growing, but here is my list of favorite house blogs:

This Young House. The adventures of John and Sherry as they redo their ranch into something fabulous. This is my number one favorite blog to grab inspiration and ideas. Down-to-earth, green-friendly, and with DIY fever, This Young House has a huge following and, in my mind, simply rocks.

Making It Lovely. Nicole's transformation of her Oak Park bungalow makes me drool, and dream of the day when my hard-earned money can go towards my house rather than my student loans.

The Hyper Homemaker. Katie is amazing, simply amazing. Her cleaning routine makes me long for more time at home so my house could be just as clean (note: it's no where near as clean).

There are many more, but these three are the ones that inspire me the most, as I attempt to set up our own little newlywed nest. Stay tuned for more blog love!

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