As I said in my last post, last week I went to Whole Foods to try and find some greener and less toxic alternatives to cosmetics and toiletries. I'm only replacing items as we run out, because I just can't stand the thought of throwing things away. One of the items we were out of was shower soap. Usually, I buy Aveeno's liquid body wash for the shower, but at Whole Foods, most of the liquid body washes were quite expensive! I was really looking for something with no fragrance, and no extra chemicals, but most of these liquid soaps were over $10 for a tiny bottle - over $10 for a gigantic bottle, and I wasn't ready to spend that much on a new product.
Then I found their store brand bar soaps, which were only $1.50! I quickly realized that I would not only save money, but also cut down on extra packaging and plastics. I bought the unscented version, just because I have extra-sensitive skin, but there are a lots and lots of other fragrances and options out there, at almost every store. Bar soap can be a little drying, but since I lather myself up with lotion after every shower, I haven't noticed a difference at all.
So, my green tip of the week is: buy bar soap! It has less packaging, AND saves you money!
For more Thrifty Green Thursday tips, visit the Green Baby Guide here.